- #Devexpress progress bar how to#
- #Devexpress progress bar manual#
- #Devexpress progress bar full#
- #Devexpress progress bar code#
If you do not need this functionality, just disable the OptionsColumn.AllowEditt option.A marquee progress bar does not display progress. You can use this functionality to implement editing in your progress bar column. Since using this approach we just draw a required content directly on GridControl, this active editor will overlap our custom drawn progress bar. Please note that when you click a cell, we create an in-place editor, which is a control. The SpinEdit is drawn in the "Manual Draw With Editor" column in the example. You can draw any our editor using a corresponding painter. Part 4 : If it is necessary, draw a required content over your ProgressBar. After this, the default drawing will not be performed. Step 3: Set the CustomDrawEventArgs.Handled Property to true in the GridView.CustomDrawCell Event handler. To avoid this, lock cell focusing by setting the OptionsColumn.AllowFocus Property to false (the "Manual Draw Without Focus" column in the example) or use the e.Handled parameter as described in the next step. In this case, ProgressBar is drawn in an editor's background, but if the editor become focused, then the editor's background covers the custom drawn ProgressBar (the "Manual Draw not in Focus" column in the example).
#Devexpress progress bar manual#
Step 2: Manual ProgressBar drawing in the GridView.CustomDrawCell Event handler. Step 1: Draw cell focus and highlighting (the "Manual Draw Without Editor" column in the example). It requires manual editors drawing, and elaborate editors and focus rectangles drawing.Ĭustom drawing can be implemented in several (optional) steps:
See the Is custom drawing ignored when printing or exporting? KB article.
#Devexpress progress bar full#
custom drawing gives you full control over a cell's content, and you can draw anything that you want.ĭisadvantages: The main disadvantage is that a custom drawn content cannot be printed and exported. Manually draw ProgressBar in cells.Īdvantages: Provides the capability to draw ProgressBar in a cell's background and draw a custom ProgressBar. it gives more efficient memory usage than in Case 1.Īpproach # 2. Using a single RepositoryItem with handling the GridView.CustomDrawCell and ColumnView.ShownEditor events (the "Single RepositoryItem" column in the example).Īdvantages: Using a single RepositoryItem reduces the amount of initialization code. So, if you need to have many colors, it is better to use the approach described in case 2.Ĭase 2. Also, you can store appearance settings in some array, so you can traverse through all appearance objects and assign them to RepositoryItems in a loop.Īll created repository items will be stored in memory. To reduce this code, you can copy a RepositoryItem's settings using the RepositoryItem.Assign Method.
#Devexpress progress bar code#
So, your code will be easily understandable.ĭisadvantages: The RepositoryItems initialization code can be long if you need to have a lot of different colors, because you need to initialize each RepositoryItem. Use different RepositoryItems with different settings for each color in ProgressBar (the "Different RepositoryItems" column in the example) and pass them to different cells via the GridView.CustomDrawCell Event.Īdvantages: After creating all necessary RepositoryItems, they only need to be passed via the GridView.CustomRowCellEdit Event based on your logic. Using the standard RepositoryItemProgressBars with some additional handling:Ĭase 1. If you want to draw a complex progress bar with a custom content or display any other editor over ProgressBar, you can use the solution described in approach #2.Īpproach # 1. So, if you need your ProgressBar in a cell to have consistent appearance with standalone controls and want to be able to print or export them, we suggest you use the solution described in approach #1 case 2. Our GridControl has a very flexible architecture, so this task can be accomplished using several approaches.
#Devexpress progress bar how to#
How to use different colored ProgressBar in GridControl